Just hours after taking delivery of my new Nikon D4 camera body last week, I headed up to the Big Bear Mountains to play in the snow with my family. The drive was an adventure with more than 12 inches of new snow on the roads, and we woke up the next morning to a […]
Jeremiah 29:11
We signed up my 4-year old son Logan for soccer this year. So far it’s been a bit of a challenge to get him motivated to even participate. I decided that instead of getting frustrated with him for not trying… I would sit back, let him be, and enjoy it through my lens for what […]
If you have not heard of Photoserve; it’s an organization you should definitely check out. After meeting countless photographers within our industry who shared this vision to not only document beauty and life, but to use that gift and talent to affect positive change in the world, photographers Matt Savage (of Avery House Photographers) and […]
I’m heading home Yeah, but I’m not so sure That home is a place You can still get to by train So I’m looking out the window And I’m drifting off to sleep With my face pressed up against the pane With the rhythm of my heart And the ringing in my ears It’s the […]
Like a guardian angel sent from heaven, Kat fell into our lives. It was in late August, 2009. God always knows the perfect timing. Last minute! Julie and I were expecting our twins to arrive just a few weeks later and having lost our full-time associate Rosanna (she got married and ran off to Atlanta.. […]
Photo: Mike Colón Sometimes getting away to the mountains helps clear my head. It helps me see things the way they really are. Last week, I took an RV road trip with 10 guys. It started out a bit rough… 5:45am driving 100 mph in the carpool lane trying not to be the last one […]