Matt & Karlin | Engaged in Atlanta


I loved this couple!  I really really liked them.  I mean REALLY!  This is part one of a styled shoot with Matt & Karlin. Bridal shoot to follow!  Hope you like them as much as I do!

  1. Mikki Platt says:

    J.Crew called…they want their models back! Everything about this session is perfect! Lighting, angles, composition, YUM!!! And her hair is just plain fabulous! Beautiful work Mike!

  2. Marlon Ming says:

    Mike your work Inspire me to be a better photographer! Keep it up.

  3. Love her hair. Love her outfits. Love your photos.

  4. Very beautiful photo shoot! Great work!

  5. Dana Goodson says:

    Gorgeous couple, gorgeous session. Makes me swoon! Such an inspiration. What lens on the horizontal images that shows his arm tattoo and watch?

  6. Naomi Chokr says:

    These are amazing! Karlin you look gorgeous!!!

  7. Ridiculous on all accounts! So beautiful.

  8. Samantha says:

    They are adorable! And this shoot is so wonderfully cozy! Love love love

  9. My sweet friend is so beautiful! Way to capture such a gorgeous lovely couple! Two people beautiful on the inside and out!

  10. Jen Towner says:

    Beautiful <3

  11. Omar R says:

    Wow! Love the color! They look so beautiful!

  12. Gino says:

    As always Mike, wonderful images!

  13. The images are awesome! And their outfits are ADORABLE! Love all the different looks.

  14. AISHA IBRAHIM says:

    This is amazing…I kept looking at the photos and thinking to myself how these two look like RL models, only to research based on their names, and THEY actually used to work at RL! Just amazing!

  15. You shoot with such a flow! Thanks for sharing!!

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