Summer Bridals | Rosemary Beach


“Beauty is not caused.  It is.” –Emily Dicksonson

  1. sandy says:

    oh myyyy…sooooo pretty! beautiful light.. great captures!!! how do you convince your bride to enter the water in her dress???? love it!!

  2. Corlis Gray says:

    Beautiful once again. I’ve watched all of your DVDs and am planning on taking one of your workshops someday. God willing I’ll be able to set aside the cash :)

    Thank you for all of the wonderful information and inspiration you provide.


  3. ADAM Coberly says:

    Great shots Mike! Beautiful!

  4. Brian Arndt says:

    Wow thats some great color. Did you have to tweak these alot out of the Camera?

  5. these rock! loving the look..

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